About Greg Stein

Juniata Township Board of Supervisors Chairman Supervisor Retired Defense Contractor


Reference the ALERTS Page for additional detail on Weather, Road Work and Delays.
See updates for current Road Projects in Alerts.

Current/Future Project Updates:

Get on the Agenda! Please!

Please contact the Township Secretary no later than the Friday before each monthly meeting if you have a request that will require action by the Board of Supervisors. Failing to be on the agenda means that necessary resources may not be available to discuss your request. (for example, Attorney, Engineer, Sewage and Code Enforcement) Not being on the meeting agenda will delay action by the Board of Supervisors until the next public meeting (30 days).



The next scheduled regular meeting of Juniata Township Board of Supervisors will be held on February 11, 2025.

5:30 – Supervisors Workshop (Pay the bills)

6:00 – The Meeting of Board of Supervisors (Public Meeting) will follow the Supervisors Workshop.

The regular Monthly General Meetings are held at 6:00 PM on the 2nd Tuesday of each month unless otherwise noted in the local newspaper and on this website. Check here for changing weather conditions and cancellations.


BUILDING PERMITS are required in Juniata Township

New construction, additions, porches, out buildings, etc. require building permits. The Township can help you avoid costly construction and site mistakes.

Failure to obtain a permit can lead to costly penalties and can be avoided with the assistance of Code Enforcement.

Contact: 814-643-0430 for more information and assistance.