Watch this page for important alerts!
Current/Future Project Updates:
12/22/2024 Update
Scheduled for 12/26/2024 – Baker Hollow and Glen Drive – Drain tile replacement. expect some delays that day.
10/13/2024 UPDATE
Road berm reconstruction in Riverview Heights and on Stone Bridge Rd. to commence week of November 18, 2024. This consists of laying in and compacting 2RC stone to improve road to berm transition for vehicles.
10/27/2024 Good News for the future – Juniata Township has received official word that the Township has been selected by the Pennsylvania Department of Community and Economic Development to receive a grant in the sum of $264,044.00. This grant request was submitted 13 months ago in hope of sufficiently funding a permanent and long-term solution for repair of this section of Point Rd. Over the years, one lane of the roadway has been gradually slipping downward into the Juniata River. Past repairs to mitigate the slide proved insufficient. More detail on this to come later.
STAY SAFE – PLEASE WATCH for “ROAD WORK” signs. Slowdown, stop and make sure you make “EYE CONTACT” with the Road Crew Operator before proceeding at 5 mph through the Active Work Area. When the sign says, “ROAD CLOSED”, it the road is in fact, “CLOSED”. Avoid causing a safety problem and endangering our crew members.
Thank you!Posted in UncategorizedEdit
Check out the “For the Future” page in the Township Website!
This is where you will find township administration focus subjects and descriptions of what is taking place.Posted in UncategorizedEdit
Get on the Agenda! Please!
Please contact the Township Secretary no later than the Friday before each monthly meeting if you have a request that will require action by the Board of Supervisors. Failing to be on the agenda means that necessary resources may not be available to discuss your request. (for example, Attorney, Engineer, Sewage and Code Enforcement) Not being on the meeting agenda will delay action by the Board of Supervisors until the next public meeting (30 days).Posted in UncategorizedEdit
BUILDING PERMITS are required in Juniata Township
New construction, additions, porches, out buildings, etc. require building permits. The Township can help you avoid costly construction and site mistakes.
Failure to obtain a permit can lead to costly penalties and can be avoided with the assistance of Code Enforcement.
Contact: 814-643-0430 for more information and assistance.